StackAdapt Integration with Slack


StackAdapt becomes first and only DSP to include an integration with Slack

Due to the fast pace of the advertising world, media buying teams need to be both strategic and agile with the decisions they make during the lifecycle of a campaign. For many agencies, teams rely on communication platforms, like Slack, to help them react in real time, make decisions faster, and meet the growing expectations of their clients.

At StackAdapt, we aim to build platform features that not only match the needs of our clients but also help to streamline their daily workflow. This includes communication, both internally with their teams and externally with their partners. Phone calls can sometimes take time and emails can crowd your inbox. It has become apparent that our clients are looking for an additional means to receiving information, but ideally, through a channel they are familiar with and already use. We are happy to announce that StackAdapt has become the first and only DSP to include an integration with Slack.

What does this mean for your team?

With this integration, we are able to offer this feature to clients that are currently using Slack to communicate across teams. In addition to email notifications already offered through StackAdapt, Slack allows media teams to improve productivity by receiving useful and timely notifications about the overall health of their campaigns.

“Slack is a core component of our workflow, so extending it to receive notifications from StackAdapt was not only natural for our team to adopt but also highly beneficial for our productivity. The Slack integration enables us to make changes on campaigns as quickly as possible, as well as loop the right people into a thread pertaining to a notification—it has been a game-changer for us.”

– Marc-André Cloutier, Director of Operations at Espace M

These Slack notifications will make users aware of updates made by team members, as well as any major campaign changes. Additionally, by receiving quality-of-life notifications about their campaigns, media teams are now able to make important decisions even faster.

What are “quality-of-life” notifications?

Related to the overall health of campaigns, below are just a few examples of the types of notifications that StackAdapt users will now be able to access through Slack:

  • When a pixel that was installed hasn’t fired in over 24 hours
  • When custom segments from StackAdapt become available
  • When a campaign has reached its bid goals, or has effectively ended

The best part—setup is simple, and your team can begin using this feature immediately. Here is what a notification would look like:

How to access the new Slack integration

StackAdapt users can easily set up the integration from Slack’s app directory, or directly within our platform. By entering StackAdapt’s “Settings” and selecting “Integrations”, in a few clicks, you can connect to the appropriate Slack Channel and Enable/Disable notifications that are best suited to your team’s workflow.

With better service and faster decisions in mind, the new Slack integration with StackAdapt will help your team work more efficiently—leading to fewer gaps in communication, and even happier clients!


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